V0.03 update and fixes

Version 0.03 features several fixes mainly to the core of the business sim part of the game. The player uses the computer to enter commands to buy upgrades for their store. The coding was dramatically fixed under the hood but on the surface the UI was redesigned for better readability and the controls for selecting the input box was fixed and now the player can click on the screen, hit enter or hit c to select the input box to enter a command where before it was horribly janky.

Upgrade screen is now separated from the business info screen and the upgrades have been reworked. Before the player had to buy shelf space before they could by new tapes. That's no longer, the player will only buy new tapes and buy a new genre and shelf. This makes it a little easier to understand having the shelf space lock didn't make much sense and was overall unclear

Customers have been getting work done as well. Customers will get disappointed or happy based on your stores selection and depending on their attitude (the difference of happy and disappointment) they will either return the tape early, return it rewound or if have a bad attitude break the tape or steal it. This can be seen through the color of the customer. Yellow is meh, red is bad, and green is a good attitude. This area will also be worked on for the next update.

Updated the street view with a free city building asset pack. Now the player has more of a realistic view out the windows with other shops and other building in view to add more life to the scene.

As of right now I am satisfied with the player controls both for the tape and money handling and the PC store controls. The next updates will be mainly focusing on the gameplay loop, music and radio, adding end game, challenges and working on customers so their attitude has more of an effect on the stores operation(such as the more bad attitudes the less customers will show in the following week). And there will be counters the player can use such as candy to improve their disappointment and popcorn to help with their browsing tolerance.


RentalRewindv.03.zip Play in browser
Sep 26, 2020

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